Pittsburgh Use of Excessive Force Lawsuit Lawyer

Attorney for Police Brutality Cases in Allegheny County
At Colianni & Leonard LLC, we respect and admire the men and women who put their own safety at risk every day as officers of the law. Law enforcement is a dangerous job as officers must deal with unpredictable and often violent criminal suspects. We also realize that in some cases, law enforcement officials must use force while arresting an alleged offender. Sometimes, however, officers go too far.
When an officer of the law uses more force than necessary to subdue a suspect, such behavior may be considered a violation of the suspect's civil rights, regardless of whether the suspect committed the crime in question. If you or someone you love has been the victim of unlawful or excessive force by the police, our experienced team will help you seek the justice you deserve.
Gibsonia Advocates for Victims' Rights
Law enforcement officials are permitted to use force in the process of making an arrest. That force, however, must be reasonable and necessary to protect the officer's safety and the safety of those nearby. Too much or unreasonable force may cross the line into police brutality, and the suspect being arrested may be unnecessarily injured. At Colianni & Leonard LLC, we realize that a serious physical injury is not required to file a lawsuit for excessive force, however, as emotional and psychological trauma can be enough.
Thorough Investigation and Zealous Representation in Western Pennsylvania
Attorney Vincent Colianni is a skilled civil rights attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience. He has successfully handled excessive force cases against local and state police departments, as well as federal agencies including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Mr. Colianni understands that standing up to law enforcement and government entities can be overwhelming, but he has the knowledge and tools to protect your rights.
Our team will conduct a full investigation of your case so that all of the facts can be brought to light. We will review the circumstances of your arrest, all applicable police department policies, and any other details that could be used in building your case. While we recognize that the police are often afforded wide discretion in the application of force during an arrest, excessive force and police brutality are not acceptable and should not be tolerated. If your civil rights were violated in any way, we will work tirelessly on your behalf until justice is served.
We Can Help
To learn more about Colianni & Leonard LLC and our approach to police brutality litigation, contact our office. Call 412-680-7877 to schedule a free, confidential consultation today. We will help you explore options and make the best decision for moving forward. There is no risk to you because you only pay if we obtain a settlement or verdict in your favor. From offices in Wexford, PA, we represent clients in Gibsonia, Valencia, Ross Township, Franklin Park, Sewickley, McCandless, Westview, Bakerstown, Allegheny County, and throughout the greater Pittsburgh area.